
Full Time Fancy...

Most weekends my friends and I do brunch on Saturday and/or Sunday. This weekend seemed a bit crazy for everyone so to make up for it, a couple of the ladies and I had a tiny tea party. Lauren received the most adorable tea set a couple years ago as a wedding gift so we took advantage of it and made a theme party of course which included cucumber sandwiches, cream cheese wheels, banana bread with cinnamon/sugar butter, hats, floral print dresses, and fans!

Chinae planned a Kentucky Derby themed birthday party on Saturday for her boss, and the fans were left over goodies that we snatched up. They definitely came in handy at just the right time for the heat and humidity yesterday.
So I present to you the new female traveling band...The full time fancies...Lauren, Me, Shuffle, Chinae, JML, Amy, & Kathleen (who actually took the pic!)!!!!

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