
A Spiritual Moment...

At midnight on my birthday I opened a special gift that arrived all the way from Tokyo. The incredible Roxy, who is dearly missed, sent me the most beautiful kimono I have ever seen. Please excuse my shoddy iPhone picture, but still appreciate it's beauty. It is a deep rich purple with humming birds, blossoms, and just so happens to be 50 years old. As my neighbors can attest, I jumped up and down in complete and utter bliss and then got a little sappy and sentimental... Hey it happens! I'm so in love with this gift and well I'm terrified of staining or ripping the fabric, I'm anxious and eager to wear it.

{the tote is from LaForet. Earlier this fall I assisted on an ad campaign shoot and Roxy headed over to the store to check it out)

During my daily blog reads I came across this picture and was spiritually moved! I've been having a few turban tantrums lately and can't seem to get enough (DIY post coming soon). And then this little chick lit (June Ambrose) had to throw on a killer kimono over her lady like blouse and change my view of the holy trinity! Now to find a way to use this as inspiration for my own kimono/turban style fusion.

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