
Tequilla for My Friends...

As if my DVR can handle another new show to add to the list of weekly recordings.  But I will NOT be missing the new Mtv serious, The City.  It's a spin off of the ever popular The Hills, but this time the leading lady is Whitney Port and will be taking place in my stomping grounds... literally, a lot of the scenes I've seen are in my neighborhood!!! (we're going to be friends, I just know it).

Whitney's style is every bit me.  She has an edge to her look, but also embraces every bit of her femininity.   She is aware of her best assets (her legs.. DUH) and plays them up to her full advantage.  She doesn't seem to ever over think her look.  It's like she gets up in the morning and whatever she sees, she wears (I wish it was that easy for me)!  Whitney is bold but never
 over  the top.  I don't look at an outfit she wears and think, "Geez what was she thinking? She could have done without wearing ____!"  Her look is the perfect mix of L.A. casual and NY sophistication that is complete with flirtation top it all off!... 


And it doesn't hurt that we have the same taste in men and love for hair stylist guru Ted Gibson!... (we're destined to meet and be friends!!!! I feel it in my loins)



lowleeta said...

hahaaa i love it!

Holli said...

I have a feeling yall will be friends to i just know it! Miss you, love!