
Elliott vs Marant...

As I begin the count down to spring/summer you'll have to bare with me as I sort through racks, images, and tear sheets of inspiration. Don't get crazy, my look doesn't change that much, but as always, needs a little pick me up to kick things off. The first addition on the list is a pair of camel leopard jeans. I have been comparing the Current Elliott stiletto leopard jeans against the Isabel Marant Etoile wabi jeans and this is what I've found...

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{all images:: They All Hate Us}
Kinda of major and exactly what I want to be wearing with oversized sheer button downs and/or neon poc (pops of color...come on people)! Just when I thought I made my final decision, I spotted a similar pair at the affordable $22 price point, wait for it... at TARGET!

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Can't wait for these little beauties to arrive.

1 comment:

joKING said...

love all of the printed denim coming out especially these! ive seen the animal denim in target :)
