
Strictly Fitted...

I wear quite a few hats in my life, and as of late it has been a fitted cap...Yankees of course! Back in October I posted a few bloggers, editors, and myself sporting baseball caps {view post here} and the trend seems to have stepped out of the on-deck position. With NY fashion week wrapped, there are a school of photos popping up with ball cap clad editors and fashionistas.
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{all images:: all the pretty birds}

Oh yeah, and there I am sporting my coveted NY cap back in October (ahhh warmer days when sheer dresses lived in my wardrobe on a daily basis).

I am really getting used to incorporating more sportswear into my repertoire...baseball caps, and letterman's, and sneakers, YES PLEASE!

1 comment:

Greetings from Texas! said...

I like the trend. (And the Yankees.) =)