I've been working in fashion (professionally) for a little over four years now so it should come as no surprise to hear that I am a shop-a-holic. If there were enough hours in the day I would literally stroll store to store gazing at every rack, row, and shelf. I have a physical reaction when it comes to clothes which usually begins with tunnel vision for the eye catching distraction. Sometimes it is the thrill of finding that perfect item that gets my adrenaline pumping while other times it is simply the purchase of something new that puts me over the edge into full blown joy rage. However my shopping addiction has also earned me the name, Tina Returner! I have an unfortunate tendency to purchase and immediately return. Usually it is not that I'm dissatisfied, but rather it was an impulse purchase for the sake of immediate gratification.
These new goodies I will however, NOT be returning.
My fashionisto Jacob, last seen here, sashayed into work last week with a present in tow. From his bag of goodies he revealed a Salvation Army gem that, dare I say it, is 70's boho meets spring 2011 Celine...

To beat the heatwave Friday afternoon I made a cooling pit stop into H&M. A quick loop around the flag ship store had me running for the nearest register to check out with another designer inspired addition--this time all in the name of Prada.

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Hi, My name is Tina Returner, and I'm a shop-a-holic!