
Short Chops Saturday Debut

Last Wednesday I did the unthinkable and chopped off my hair....


I was so excited to have such a drastic new look and it couldn't be easier to manage! My willingness to take this big plunge is completely based around my incredibly talented hair stylist Sidney. We met two years ago during fashion week and 2 days after meeting I was sitting in her chair getting an updated look. I love her!!!!! She probably knows me better than a lot of people and totally gets who I am, what I'm about, and how I want to be perceived. For the last year, every time I see her I complain that I want short hair, but I'm too scared to do it. Two months ago Sidney and I went out to grab a drink and catch up and she had the cutest Mohawk-short hair do and I was smitten. I've spent the last two months hyping myself up and I finally did it!

Saturday night was my new hair reveal when I went out to celebrate my sweet friend Allison's moving back to Texas! (Oh she will be missed dearly)!!!!! And with the new do, I had to come out in a new ensemble...

silk/chiffon top from banana republic, high waist silk/tulle skirt (made by my mother!), cowboy boots: coveted thrift store find


Adri R said...

Gorgeous! I'm a little jealous of how fabulous you are!

lowleeta said...

i love that julie. i sure do. her talents amaze me.

i love the new hair... still need to see this 'rat tail' you speak of...