
Street Style... Literally!

In the last six months or so I have been attempting to embrace the street style in me I've been suppressing for so long. I purchased a pair of Reebok pumps...and that's about as street as I've gotten! Unfortunately they haven't received much playing time. Other than the strut around the store and wearing them one other time out (with a pair of DIY jean cut offs and an over sized men's button down shirt). During a recent day spent reorganizing my joke of a closet I uncovered the perfectly intact box that had collected a light blanket of dust. I see the kids on the street after school rocking their kicks with such swagger. I'm far from being a spring chicken and their decisions on skirt lengths and ultra low rise jeans would even make Britney Spears blush (is that possible)?!

My favorite look of the three!

I came across this street style fashion spread I believe in Teen Vogue of all places. I love the combinations they've brought together and played up. Sequin tops and pants, I can do that! Liquid leggings got 'em! I will probably nix the hat but I'm all about getting blinged out with some chains and brass knuckles!

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